Wednesday, March 25, 2020

General Chemistry 1 Review

General Chemistry 1 ReviewA General Chemistry 1 review will help you learn about some of the main aspects of Chemistry. This is something you will want to do when you are a little more advanced, and in order to get your footing, this first book will give you a good understanding of how Chemistry works.Chemistry is one of the sciences that you will want to study for at least a few years before you are ready to become a Chemist technician. When you are a very young student, your parents may choose to enroll you in chemistry classes so that you will have something to do when you are bored. These classes can be quite informative and they can also keep you fit as well.There are many aspects to Chemistry. One of the areas you will want to cover is Atomic Theory. You will learn that atoms are made up of different kinds of electrons, and also that they can be grouped together into different groups. While you study this area, you will also learn that all matter has energy.An atom is like a pi ece of paper, but it is bigger than a single sheet of paper. Since it has an atomic structure, it is arranged in an orderly manner in order to have the desired properties. Chemistry works with atoms and molecules and all of them can interact with each other in many different ways. In particular, some molecules are very stable, which means that they don't break down or change their physical properties.You will learn about the different types of solids, liquids, gases, and other substances, such as lasers and electric charges. When you have learned the basics of some of these areas, you will need to spend more time learning about some of the more difficult topics. The topics you learn in a General Chemistry 1 review will help you do this.In order to stay sharp, you will need to learn the various chemistry terms that you need to know. You will not just learn the words used in Chemistry but also know how to read and understand them. You will not just learn this in school, but you will a lso learn it through reading books and discussing with your friends. Having a vocabulary of words will help you with anything that you have to do with chemistry.Your textbook will not teach you everything you need to know about Chemistry. This is why you should take a General Chemistry 1 review, and it will allow you to brush up on some of the important topics. It will give you a better understanding of what you have to learn before you can graduate. Of course, you can always look online to find more details.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Produce Error Free Draft English Writing Online Tutorpace

Produce Error Free Draft English Writing Online Tutorpace Errors in a draft confuse the readers and the intended meaning does not get conveyed. Errors usually undermine the authority of the writer too. Hence it is essential to have drafts free from errors. The common errors that occur in a draft could be classified into grammar and punctuation. The most common grammar error to look for is the subject-verb agreement. Not only the subject and verb must agree in number but the subject and the pronoun should also agree. For example: Everyone was asked to bring his or her contribution. In this sentence, the subject everyone is singular but the verb are is a plural verb. Therefore it should be Everyone was asked to bring. Since everyone is singular, the pronoun their is wrong. Therefore, the correct sentence should be, Everyone was asked to bring his/her contribution. Further more, the writers should watch out for shift in tense and compound subjects while writing. However, there are ways and means of producing error free drafts. First of all if the writers use a computer, they could use the spelling and grammar checking in the system itself. In addition, the writers could read aloud to listen and recognize the mistakes if any. They could also avail of the help of their friends to go through the essay in order to find any errors that they have missed in their draft.

Quem disse que burro velho não aprende línguas

Quem disse que burro velho não aprende línguas Image courtesy of Juan Gnecco / FreeDigitalPhotos.netHá um ditado popular que diz que burro velho não aprende línguas, dando a entender que, a partir de uma certa idade, deixamos de conseguir assimilar novos conhecimentos. Contudo, é possível notar que cada vez mais surgem cursos voltados para aqueles que se encontram na terceira idade. Possivelmente porque estímulos mentais contínuos permitem uma menor degradação das funções cognitivas, mas também porque, hoje em dia, entrar na terceira idade não é o fim do mundo. Aliás, para muitos, é o início da fase da vida na qual, finalmente, irão viajar e conhecer o mundo.Um estudo publicado na  Neurology ®  revela que idosos que tenham um bom nível de instrução, que se exercitem uma vez por semana e não fumem têm mais probabilidade de manter a saúde das suas funções cognitivas. Tal como manter o corpo em atividade permite que este e o cérebro beneficiem, manter a mente trabalhando também é necessário para garanti r uma maior qualidade de vida. Daí que cada vez mais idosos procurem atividades que estimulem o cérebro, como é o caso de cursos de idiomas.Se prestarmos atenção às publicidades de cursinhos de Inglês tradicionais, podemos verificar que muitos são os que já abrem turmas para a galera nessa faixa etária. Essa é uma tentativa válida de fazer com que mais pessoas se interessem por aprender uma língua estrangeira, sem se sentirem desconfortáveis com os olhares curiosos dos mais novos. No entanto, em uma era na qual os idosos aprendem a navegar na internet tão facilmente como as crianças, um bom número de pessoas prefere aulas online. Dessa forma, não precisam se adequar ao ritmo de uma turma, mesmo que essa turma seja de pessoas de idades semelhantes à sua.Por isso, ter aulas online pode ser bastante benéfico para aqueles que estão na melhor idade, pelo fato de as aulas serem preparadas de acordo com o objetivo de cada aluno, o que permite que a pessoa foque nos pon tos que acredita serem mais importantes para o que pretende fazer, como viajar, por exemplo.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Learning Chinese on italki Ken

Learning Chinese on italki Ken Here is another story of an italki member learning a foreign language with a teacher online.   Ken is from Osaka, Japan and spends a lot of time traveling for work, therefore he needs a flexible arrangement for learning Chinese. [Translated from Japanese, original is below.] I joined italki almost 2 years ago. I started online lessons at the beginning of this year. In Japan the fee of the language lesson is extremely expensive, and it is easy to forget everything if you have only one lesson a week, so I chose italki where I can learn everyday with local teachers.   I initially did the trial lesson with several teachers. Now I study with only one teacher. [I chose this teacher because] she is very kind when she teaches and she also generously spares her time, even very early in the morning. [I started learning Chinese because] I wanted to talk more with my Chinese friends.   I feel that I progress day by day. Taking lessons everyday makes it easier to review the contents of the previous lesson and remember things more clearly. [As for learning online,] recently, Skype has been working well, so theres no such a big problem if you use it with video. Im kind of an idle fellow, so it offers better condition to study continuously rather than to study by myself.   Im hoping italki will continue to make a user friendly system,   and I expect them to succeed! Original Japanese italki?????2????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???Skype??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? If you’d like to share your italki story on our blog, please contact us! Learning Chinese on italki Ken Here is another story of an italki member learning a foreign language with a teacher online.   Ken is from Osaka, Japan and spends a lot of time traveling for work, therefore he needs a flexible arrangement for learning Chinese. [Translated from Japanese, original is below.] I joined italki almost 2 years ago. I started online lessons at the beginning of this year. In Japan the fee of the language lesson is extremely expensive, and it is easy to forget everything if you have only one lesson a week, so I chose italki where I can learn everyday with local teachers.   I initially did the trial lesson with several teachers. Now I study with only one teacher. [I chose this teacher because] she is very kind when she teaches and she also generously spares her time, even very early in the morning. [I started learning Chinese because] I wanted to talk more with my Chinese friends.   I feel that I progress day by day. Taking lessons everyday makes it easier to review the contents of the previous lesson and remember things more clearly. [As for learning online,] recently, Skype has been working well, so theres no such a big problem if you use it with video. Im kind of an idle fellow, so it offers better condition to study continuously rather than to study by myself.   Im hoping italki will continue to make a user friendly system,   and I expect them to succeed! Original Japanese italki?????2????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???Skype??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? If you’d like to share your italki story on our blog, please contact us! Learning Chinese on italki Ken Here is another story of an italki member learning a foreign language with a teacher online.   Ken is from Osaka, Japan and spends a lot of time traveling for work, therefore he needs a flexible arrangement for learning Chinese. [Translated from Japanese, original is below.] I joined italki almost 2 years ago. I started online lessons at the beginning of this year. In Japan the fee of the language lesson is extremely expensive, and it is easy to forget everything if you have only one lesson a week, so I chose italki where I can learn everyday with local teachers.   I initially did the trial lesson with several teachers. Now I study with only one teacher. [I chose this teacher because] she is very kind when she teaches and she also generously spares her time, even very early in the morning. [I started learning Chinese because] I wanted to talk more with my Chinese friends.   I feel that I progress day by day. Taking lessons everyday makes it easier to review the contents of the previous lesson and remember things more clearly. [As for learning online,] recently, Skype has been working well, so theres no such a big problem if you use it with video. Im kind of an idle fellow, so it offers better condition to study continuously rather than to study by myself.   Im hoping italki will continue to make a user friendly system,   and I expect them to succeed! Original Japanese italki?????2????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???Skype??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? If you’d like to share your italki story on our blog, please contact us!

3 Things to Put on Your Student Resume

3 Things to Put on Your Student Resume Writing a Student Resume: 3 Things to Include In the past, most people didnt put together a resume until the semester before they were getting ready to graduate college. These days, students should be prepared to have a resume by the time they’re 16 or 17 years old. Student resumes are extremely important in order to gain internships, part-time jobs in their field, or to apply to university. Many high school and college students dont know what to put on a resume because many of them havent had a paid job. Here are the top three things students should put on their resumes. 1. Volunteer experience Volunteering is a job that people don’t get paid for. Just because a student didnt earn money doing volunteer work, doesnt mean that they cant put this valuable community service on their resumes. Students who have consistent volunteer work in one field will have resumes with a more streamlined look, demonstrating continued commitment. As a result, students who are choosing their volunteer work for this year or this summer should consider doing as many hours in one area as they can. For example, if somebody participates in two hours of peer tutoring, two hours at the homeless shelter, and two hours at the animal shelter, this leads to quite a jumble of experience on the resume and may lead potential employers to think that the student can’t stick to one thing. A student who is interested in education should consider volunteering at a peer learning center for the entire summer. This way they can add this as a legitimate position on their resume. 2. Extracurricular activities Students who participate in a club after school, especially students who founded or co-founded a club, should definitely include this information on their resumes. If somebody started an anti-bullying club, an art club, or exercise club, its important that this is explained in detail on their resume. This may be handed to a university admissions department, to an employer offering an internship, or even a paid job (READ: Extra Curricular Activities For Your College Resume). 3. Personal interests Seasoned professionals leave little to no room for personal interests on their resumes. In general, adult jobseekers do not wish to blend their personal and professional lives. However, in the past, having a personal interest outside of one’s field made a candidate appear more human and more personable. Interests are particularly important for jobs that require good social skills (READ: College Prep: When Your Teacher Throws You a Curveball). Including an interest section is even more important for students because these activities may consume a large part of their day. If a student is especially interested in playing piano but doesnt play in an official club, they can still discuss their love of music and appreciation of the piano. This may even inspire students to provide a few volunteer piano lessons to the underprivileged community or to volunteer to play piano at a local organization, essentially turning their interest in piano into a legitimate position. Its important that a student resume is both comprehensive and concise, can fit all necessary information on one page, and is easy to read and understand. Its a good idea for students to consult a professional in their prospective field or a private English tutor. Anyone looking at a resume should be able to understand exactly what is written, no jargon should be used, and the language should be entirely formal. Anyone out there who has reached their 16th birthday but still doesn’t have a student resume would be advised to put one together so that whenever the right opportunity arises they can send this important information to a prospective employer or internship opportunity at the click of a button. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by TutorNerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Sexting for Sexs Sake

Sexting for Sex's Sake Courtesy of Lies Through a Lens and Dont: Send a picture of any skin the day after getting someones number. If you do, the person will likely think youre easy, or worse, a slut. Do: Send a picture if your partner has explicitly (visually or verbally) let you know its fair game. However, the picture should be classy enough that you dont reveal yourself completely, but risque enough to make a heart race in anticipation. Dont: Talk dirtier than you could reasonably do in person. You dont want to give the wrong impression and then let the other person down when they find out youre about as freaky as a priest. (Which, come to think of it, may be a poor point.) Do: Attempt to instill some excitement in your partner for your next meeting. If its past 9 p.m. and the conversation is getting cold, warm it up by saying how sore your neck is, and how you wish you could have a massage, perhaps without your shirt on, and see where that teaser takes you. Dont: Sext other people when youre already going steady with someone.  (Ahem, pathetic relative who Im happy to announce is not related to me by blood). I dont care if you dont plan to ever do anything but sext them. Would you want your partner sexting another person? No! you damn barbarian. Do: Sext if you havent seen your mate in a while. Spice things up a bit by building eagerness for the next time you see each other. If its been some time since youve swapped more than stories, chances are your partner is horny and will take pleasure in your sextuality. Dont: Save pictures of your partner. In the long run, nothing good comes of that. Do: Ensure your partner erases all incriminating images of your own flesh. In the long run, nothing good comes from that either. Dont: Sext while in the same room, you weirdos. Do: Sext so hotly that you cant resist being in different rooms anymore. Dont: Show other people your virtual sexcapades. Its very off-putting. If you think it shows how cool you are, youre horribly mistaken. Remember that (almost) everyone in the world has sex at some point, so if youre doing it, youre about as unique as a Honda Civic. Do: Use something from your sexting conversation to get the ball rolling when youre with your partner again. For example, ask about that time they revealed that thing they wanted to try, and use that as a launching point for some steamy dialogue. If youre in a car, dont be alarmed when you suddenly cant see through the windows. Now before you start getting sextual, feel free to comment with the freakiest sext you ever received. Dont be shy, ya freaks.

What exactly is an ESL instructor, anyway

What exactly is an ESL instructor, anyway The Teach Away job board can get a little confusing when similarly titled positions call for totally different qualifications. If you’ve browsed our website in search of an ESL instructing position, you may have noticed a variety of positions with different sets of requirements. I’m going to clear up some of the confusion surrounding ESL positions. If you’re a licensed teacher or recent grad looking for an opportunity abroad, this should help you in your search.Due to the fact that we work with such a high number of schools and education organizations around the world, “ESL instructor” has taken on a fairly broad meaning on the Teach Away site.In some cases, an ESL position will require only a bachelor’s degree. These positions are for university graduates looking to go overseas to teach English as a second language.Other ESL instructor postings will list a bachelor’s degree and “ESL Instructor” in the requirements. In situations where “ESL Instructor” is listed as a credential, the hiring school or organization is calling for candidates who are TEFL, TESL, or TESOL certified. These positions are also suitable for university grads, as long as they are ESL certified.ESL Instructor positions on the job board may also refer to openings for fully licensed and experienced teachers. These are listings by schools or organizations who looking to hire professional teachers to teach English as a second language. These positions may also combine with other teaching roles (eg. Math & ESL Teacher - Private Language School).  See our current ESL positions here.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Chinese Tutoring

A Step-By-Step Guide To Chinese TutoringChinese Tutoring is extremely popular and growing in popularity. These days, more Americans are opting for a foreign language education program because of the benefits that it can offer them. An increasing number of students are considering Chinese tutoring as an option, especially when it comes to enhancing their English language skills.Today, American communities are becoming increasingly diverse. Many schools and colleges are now including Chinese language training courses in their general education programs. This type of foreign language training is also much more affordable than learning another language in a classroom or through an elective course. Furthermore, there are many business environments where business owners are considering Chinese as a language of business.As English becomes more popular all over the world, there are many individuals who desire to gain proficiency in a second language. For them, it would be beneficial to learn a second language. The following tips are aimed at helping you enhance your fluency in Chinese. If you want to improve your English language skills, these tips may help you achieve the same.First, learn the basics. At first, you should always try to read from native sources first. This will help you get familiar with the basics of this language. After you are familiar with the basic elements of this language, you should try to grasp the grammar rules, and sentence structure of this language. By learning the grammar rules, you can make use of them when you write a term paper. Additionally, by taking grammar classes, you will also be able to improve your reading comprehension and your writing.Second, learn to communicate. Having a good command of the English language helps you to communicate effectively in Chinese Tutoring. Try to speak fluently in English to help you with your Chinese tutors. Although speaking fluently in English will improve your communication ability, it will not necessarily translate into fluency in Chinese Tutoring.Learning new vocabulary and conjugating verbs require some time and effort. However, with practice, you will be able to speed up your learning process. It is important that you do not rush through your practice sessions and try to learn new words as slowly as possible. By applying the principles discussed in the previous paragraphs, you will be able to accelerate your learning process. So, do not be discouraged if you take time in practicing your Chinese at home, as this will help you apply the techniques that will work well in the classroom.Finally, if you want to learn Chinese and English at the same time, consider taking advantage of a Chinese translation software. By employing a software like this, you will be able to learn two languages at the same time, and you will be able to understand all the nuances of both languages.

The Power of Mark Jordan Tutoring Email

The Power of Mark Jordan Tutoring EmailWho is Mark Jordan Tutoring Emails? I am a young athlete with a flair for the dramatic. To achieve my dreams I spent most of my time in a swimming pool, surrounded by strangers. I often wondered what could happen if I had the talent to win, something very rare among the teens that I knew.Well, since I was born, I have always been lucky to get what I wanted. That's why I am very much motivated to put my own effort into being the best swimmer and also the best person that I can be. I always worked hard at practice, but did not even think of competing in competitions. My dream was to go to college and eventually be a college basketball player, then someday coach at a University. I never really considered what I would do when I had a college degree.I still remember how disappointed I was when I found out that the University of North Carolina that I wanted to go to offer me a scholarship instead. Then I realized that I needed to really improve my bas ketball skills so that I could beat my former college coach in a game.I decided to study hard and work on my skills to have a perfect shot every time. A perfect shot means that the ball hits the rim and goes in the basket. I also needed to concentrate on passing skills and learning how to shoot well.I failed many times to pass the difficult college courses, and I thought that it was the fault of my lack of effort. I could never agree with my parents about having me stop going to school because they said that if I could just get my grades up, I would be able to quit.Well, all I could do is to keep working hard and studying for the upcoming exam. It was hard for me to make friends, but I was determined to do everything I could so that I could help my family financially. My parents were very patient with me and never really pushed me to do the things that I was doing.It is true that I am one of the lucky ones, but you cannot be so lucky to become one of the Mark Jordan Tutoring Email. You must work really hard in your studies. If you are studying late or too much during the day, I strongly suggest that you look for a tutor. Find a tutor that you will feel comfortable with and has the ability to make you think about things and think about the subject at hand.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

English Tutor Ajax

English Tutor AjaxEnglish tutor Ajax is used to help individuals, especially those that have trouble speaking the language of English. A tutor will typically teach students English grammar and how to use it properly when discussing topics that are native to them. If you are interested in learning English, there are many things that you can do to become fluent. You can ask around to see if anyone has some tips for you, but this should not be your first option.If you are having trouble with the language, you should look into tutoring. You can find a tutor at your local community college or library. They will be able to teach you all the correct forms and spellings of words. If you have trouble pronouncing the words or if you want to try to make the pronunciation sound like it is coming from a different place, there are books on pronunciation available.There are also many websites that offer English classes. These classes usually allow you to interact with a teacher and work with other students on a regular basis. If you find a good one that offers this kind of support, you will get a lot out of the lessons.If you are someone that is fluent in English, you will benefit a lot from the classes. If you learn properly and practice, you will be able to speak better. You will also get tips on how to use English more appropriately and how to talk more naturally. You will be able to connect with people easily.If you cannot afford to go to class, find the right type of program. Most will be able to get you started and teach you everything you need to know. You can find tutors on the Internet, but be careful because some offer fake information and people can pose as a tutor without being licensed.If you have the time and the money, you can find a tutor to learn how to speak the language. You can learn through a program or class and then you can get certified with a state recognized examination.This way, you can use English to communicate with native speakers and to help oth ers learn the language. It is very important to speak the language properly, especially if you live in a country where the national language is English. If you need some help, there are many resources out there for anyone who wants to learn more about learning the language.